Given Spring 2004
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;” Revelations 12:11 I heard someone speak on, “pleading the blood” over their kids each day for their protection. That sounded like something I should be doing too. During prayer that morning, I was doing just that, not really knowing much about it except that there is power, protection, and life in the Blood of Jesus.
But I was reminded of the time in the Old Testament when God instructed the elders of Israel through Moses and Aaron to apply the blood of a lamb to their doors so they would be protected. “Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.” Exodus 12:21-23
Now, the way I see it since that day, is that I am the elder of my house. I plead the Blood of the Lamb over my family for protection each day. By doing that, I see myself standing at the door with the Blood on it, directing my family inside. I call them by name as each one comes in. I include everyone; my immediate family, their spouses and kids, my Mom, my brother and his family, my wife’s family, anyone I consider a part of my family. And you know, I even include the girlfriends of my unmarried sons. If they’re with my boys, they can benefit from being a part of our family! I usher them all in and close the door! Inside, we are safe and protected from whatever bad stuff that’s going by outside.
I don’t really know what has “passed over” us while we were inside but I do know that God is watching over us and we are in His hands. What a comfort!
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thanks for the comment as well on my blog…the Blood of Jesus is the only way, Yes and Amen! God bless you!
i also believe there is power and protection in the Blood of Jesus.
Hello Bill, Thanks for your inter – action in my blog.I respond by saying that there is no scriptural evidence for “Pleading the Blood of Jesus”, so that we as Christians can be afforded protection from evil. Firstly, the word, “Plead” means to, according to the dictionary is “to argue a case or cause in a court of law”. So where is the sense in us arguing or even making representation or a case for the Blood of Jesus, and that to Satan of all entities. That is what one does when you “Plead the Blood”. It is not necessary or even required. It boils down to “works” when you do this. It is like, when a person has had his day in court in court, the Judge has pronounced a verdict of not guilty and set the prisoner free. Then this person who is free goes back to the judge and petitions the judge to argue his case again. It is ludicrous to do a thing . Jesus has redeemed us. He paid the ultimate price with Hid blood as legal tender. It is done. He said it is finished. When you accepted Him as Savior, He washed you in His incorruptible Blood. No need to plead, apply or do anything more with the blood. Pleading the blood is a “feel good thing” people do, it is not scriptural. And I believe some minister some where started this erroneous teaching and people followed suit. Just because it felt so good to do this and because no one corrected it became a thing people adhered to. No disciple or apostle ever did this. The Blood of Jesus is an atoning agent. It is provided for our salvation and for the new covenant. Finally in view of the many and varied scripture references,(provided by protagonists for my view on this subject) stated by many different commentaries in your blog, I will refer you to these, instead of repeating these.
May our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Love in Christ.
Wallce Ryland.
Hello Bill, Thanks for your inter – action in my blog.I respond by saying that there is no scriptural evidence for “Pleading the Blood of Jesus”, so that we as Christians can be afforded protection from evil. Firstly, the word, “Plead” means to, according to the dictionary is “to argue a case or cause in a court of law”. So where is the sense in us arguing or even making representation or a case for the Blood of Jesus, and that to Satan of all entities. That is what one does when you “Plead the Blood”. It is not necessary or even required. It boils down to “works” when you do this. It is like, when a person has had his day in court in court, the Judge has pronounced a verdict of not guilty and set the prisoner free. Then this person who is free goes back to the judge and petitions the judge to argue his case again. It is ludicrous to do a thing . Jesus has redeemed us. He paid the ultimate price with Hid blood as legal tender. It is done. He said it is finished. When you accepted Him as Savior, He washed you in His incorruptible Blood. No need to plead, apply or do anything more with the blood. Pleading the blood is a “feel good thing” people do, it is not scriptural. And I believe some minister some where started this erroneous teaching and people followed suit. Just because it felt so good to do this and because no one corrected it became a thing people adhered to. No disciple or apostle ever did this. The Blood of Jesus is an atoning agent. It is provided for our salvation and for the new covenant. Finally in view of the many and varied scripture references,(provided by protagonists for my view on this subject) stated by many different commentaries in your blog, I will refer you to these, instead of repeating these.
May our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Love in Christ.
Wallace Ryland.
Wallace, I agree with you and I guess, the word “plead” is misused in this case. I think a better word would be “apply” since that’s what the believers in Exodus did to their door posts and we do now with the blood of Jesus. Those who came in under the blood were saved and we who accept the blood sacrifice of Jesus are saved. You and your be blessed!
I think applying the blood of Jesus makes much more sense than pleading it. Applying it is just like what the Jews did during the Passover.
To speak of the blood of Jesus is to speak of the mercy of God. We are to keep ourselves (says Jude) in the love of God looking for the mercy of the Lord (Jude 1:21). The blood of Jesus blood bought mercy, pure and simple. When we plead or apply the blood, we are looking for the mercy. We are expressing gratitude for mercy, we are expressing trust in the blood bought mercy. That blood is speaking in heaven right now and it is saying the same thing “mercy”. There are those who think they have no need of mercy, that they are no longer sinners. That is like saying “I don’t need the blood of Jesus”.
Brother Ryland,
When you refer to his as being works, it seems as if you think works are a bad thing. Now I do agree that these are works, but works are supposed to be works of love not acts of redemption. When we “plead/apply” the blood, its just an outward cry of faith and in a sense, worship. I constantly pray over my children and ask God to cover them in his blood. I believe these works, outward signs of love, are helping my children understand and receive the love of God.
If anything can be accomplished, let it be done in the Name of the Lord, the Name that is above every name, both in heaven and in earth. The Name of the Lord…is…a Strong Tower, our Refuge, our Salvation. All who call upon the Name of the Lord, shall be saved…not call on the blood.
Peter, at the gate beautiful worked a miracle…HOW? “But Peter said, Silver and gold (money) I do not have; but what I do have, that I give to you: in [the [a]use of] the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!”
No pleading of the blood. But we see the evidence of the blood. That Jesus is alive! He poured out the Holy Spirit on Pentecost…as witness of His death, as justification we are forgiven, and a witness to His resurrection that occurred.
Now watch closely…after healing the lame man Peter said,
“You no sooner killed the Author of Life then God raised him from the dead—and we’re the witnesses. Faith in Jesus’ name put this man, whose condition you know so well, on his feet—yes, faith and nothing but faith put this man healed and whole right before your eyes.” Message bible.
OK…so applying of the blood? Not directly, but there…Christ our High Priest is on the Throne as He has already made intercession so He can release the Power of the Spirit!!! Peter released the Power of the Holy Spirit he received, into the man by faith. Can we see the difference?
Please do not re-apply something Jesus did already. But receive what He is still pouring out or desires to work through you thru your relationship. He has appeared in heaven, is seated on the Throne as God Almighty.
If we desire the Holy Spirit to bear witness, He will honour His Truth, Jesus the person on the Throne…alive…fully God…deified His Humanity…and we are in Him…justified…so what blood is there to apply? He, by His Spirit is in us, not His blood, rather HIS SUPERNATURAL LIFE. Selah.
So what healed the man at the Gate? The Life of Christ through Peter, not the blood of Christ.
Herein is where Peter’s faith rested…Christ in me, the Hope of Glory.
We decree God is with us, providing salvation to all who believe in Him.
Jesus…thank You…for Being Who You Are and the work of SALVATION in the earth.
SO I decree my family is saved, blessed, and abounding unto every good work!
My family is living a pure and holy life because the Holy Spirit is brooding over the deepest areas of their lives…working within them to do His will and good pleasure! And Master, Come soon Lord Jesus! AMEN!
George Ambrose
I know that Pleading the Blood of Jesus does apply.When I am covering myself I say I cover myself with the Blood of Jesus but when it is for someone else I plead the Blood of Jesus for their sake even as I plead for their forgiveness and that the Lord may draw closer to them, leaning on The Lord’s words that His Mercies are new every morning. Personally it has for me It was a time I was feeling defeated and I covered myself, hel and Pleaded, yes pleaded, the Blood of Jesus and I had victorious dream.personally,I find pleading okay
Pleading the blood is of the Lord. Amen! Don’t fall into contemporary ‘lost’ teachings of today.
It is for Sure, the Enemies of Israel don’t like the Blood, They have removed the word Blood from all Church Songs, As for what i know the Blood is what Saves Us, and that Blood is what we drink when we break bread and take Communion. So what ever you do you keep pleading/applying the Blood..
As far a comment made on june 5th 2011, It was Israel who put the Blood on the lintel and door post,, there were no Jews being rescued, read your scripture, was Abraham called a Jew? No, Hebrew. Israel People. White Race…First time the word Jew was ever printed was in the year 1775,, wonder why
I believe you are applying the scripture completely incorrectly. Although it possibly does no harm – the enemy of the best is the good. It sounds like a good idea, but is it a God idea? At best it lulls you into a sense of safety where there is none, which prevents you from doing what is effective!
If we take your quoted application in Exodus 12:7 and 12:22 we see the instruction.
Exo 12:22 Take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and touch the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. None of you shall go out of the door of his house until the morning.
Most Christians state sincerely that the purpose of the blood was to protect the Israelite house from the angel/spirit of death which they see as an evil spirit.
Exo 12:23 For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians, and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to enter your houses to strike you.
Other translations and the Strong’s say YHWH will pass through…
So the blood was to protect Israel from God Himself.
This is a type and shadow of what was to come… so we know that the blood of Jesus has the same objective and working – it protects us from the Righteous Judgement of God against sin. Jesus became sin for us and died because of our sin. This restores us to the possibility of a relationship with God – dependent on our obedience to repent, be baptised into the death of Christ and be resurrected into the life of Christ.
Jesus did not die so that we need not die. We were already dead in our sins. Jesus died so that we could LIVE!!
So if you plead the blood you are asking for protection from God Himself.
Because the blood was shed once and for all – this is no longer necessary or scriptural.
If you want protection from satan – you need to stand up in the authority Christ gave you when He rose from the dead and “led captivity captive” and not cower behind closed doors.
Eph 4:8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
The gift He gave you is authority:
Mat 18:18 Truly I say to you, Whatever you bind on the earth will be, having been bound in Heaven. And whatever you loose on the earth will be, having been loosed in Heaven.
Young’s Literal Version – most versions misquote this verse.
For context:
Mat 18:19 Again I say to you, If two of you agree on earth as to anything, whatever they shall ask, it shall be to them from My Father in Heaven.
Mat 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst.
This verse links with:
Mat 6:10 Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as it is in Heaven, also on the earth.
This is our mandate!
What you are doing sounds a lot like what Job was doing:
Job 1:4 And his sons feasted in the house of each one on his day. And they sent and called their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
Job 1:5 And it happened, when the day of feasting had gone around, Job would send and sanctify them. And he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt sacrifices according to all their number. For Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. This, Job always did.
Some say that this is where Job missed it – he thought his righteousness could cover the sin of his children. Each individual makes their own choice!
Eze 18:4 Behold, they are all My souls. As the soul of the father, also the soul of the son, they are Mine. The soul that sins, it shall die.
Eze 18:20 The soul that sins, it shall die. A son shall not bear the iniquity of the father. And a father shall not bear the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be on him.
This is about atonement and not grace. We are called to cry out for the sins of people and nations – like Moses did for Israel, Abraham did for Sodom, Elijah did for Israel and Paul did for the Jews.
We pray that they will turn from their wicked ways and repent.
Act 2:38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
You will do far better to hear in the spirit what Jesus and Holy Spirit are interceding for your loved ones and come into agreement with their intercession!! This is powerful intercession.
Blessings in Christ.
well, i agree with everyone. we all have different levels of understanding. we know in part. But to those that do not believe in the pleading/applying of the blood, i have a very simple question for them: what is the present day ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ to believers and where did he put his blood when he told the disciples after his resurrection in the book of John that his body is flesh and bones, he did not say flesh and blood?
Rev 12:11 – And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they {b} loved not their lives unto the death.
We conquer our enemy with the blood and the word we declare. If you believe we should not apply the blood of the Lamb, because He has died for us and there is no need to apply the blood against the devil, then it is irrelevant to speak or testify because the blood had spoken for us already.
I strongly believe the blood is still active for spiritual warfare and we need to apply it always and also testify the victory we had after applying the blood.
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some way with this meaning.