Given Spring 2004
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;” Revelations 12:11 I heard someone speak on, “pleading the blood” over their kids each day for their protection. That sounded like something I should be doing too. During prayer that morning, I was doing just that, not really knowing much about it except that there is power, protection, and life in the Blood of Jesus.
But I was reminded of the time in the Old Testament when God instructed the elders of Israel through Moses and Aaron to apply the blood of a lamb to their doors so they would be protected. “Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.” Exodus 12:21-23
Now, the way I see it since that day, is that I am the elder of my house. I plead the Blood of the Lamb over my family for protection each day. By doing that, I see myself standing at the door with the Blood on it, directing my family inside. I call them by name as each one comes in. I include everyone; my immediate family, their spouses and kids, my Mom, my brother and his family, my wife’s family, anyone I consider a part of my family. And you know, I even include the girlfriends of my unmarried sons. If they’re with my boys, they can benefit from being a part of our family! I usher them all in and close the door! Inside, we are safe and protected from whatever bad stuff that’s going by outside.
I don’t really know what has “passed over” us while we were inside but I do know that God is watching over us and we are in His hands. What a comfort!
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Excellent idea. My kids and I put on our spiritual armor every day on the way to school. I believe we’ll incorporate that as well. I’m enjoying your articles very much. Thank you.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I was extremely frustrated and upset when I wrote the entry that you read. I’ve been taught for a long time (I was raised in church all of my life) that there is power in the blood of Jesus and so my family has always used that to ask for God’s protection so that we will be shielded from whatever evil may come our way. I was encouraged to read your blog and I will continue to plead the blood of Jesus each day. I can say that things have gotten much better and I am not so angry and frustrated now. 🙂 I will stop by your blog more often now that I know it exists. 🙂 God bless!
Thnx for the comment on my page! We have to Plead the blood in all things, your post was a blessing & please continue to visit as I will in return. God Bless
I read your blog, which I believe has some questionable teachings, and I will say that you have still misapplied the Scripture. There is no place in the Bible where any apostle ever “pled the Blood” of Jesus, which means that we don’t do it either.
You seem to have confused two issues: the sacrifice of the Passover and sacrifice for sin. You give the Passover as your example of “pleading the Blood” over your house; the Passover was a one-time event that didn’t provide forgiveness of sin, rather it was done under the command of God to mark those homes who were faithful to Him, and He would then see it as a sign and “pass over” that house without bringing it under the plague of the death of the firstborn. You say that your being the elder of your house makes the situation analogous to the Passover, but this isn’t biblical.
Jesus’ blood was given for the forgiveness of sin. The only way we “plead” that blood is to put our faith in Christ, to “confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead” (Rom. 10:9, NKJV). This is how we become saved from eternal death, and THAT “pleading of the blood” is a one time event; once we become Christians we no longer have to “plead” for Jesus’ blood to atone for our sin.
Yes, there is power in the “blood,” but it isn’t some mystical magic. Hebrews 9:22 says that “without shedding of blood there is no remission” (NKJV). The Old Testament priests sacrificed often for forgiveness of sin. Jesus’ one-time sacrifice was for forgiveness of all sin for all time.
Now, can we pray to God for protection? Certainly. As His children we seek His protection and guidance, but there is no “pleading the blood.”
Thanks for the comment on my blog and the additinaol information about pleading the blood. Let us continue to help each other grow in Christ. Satay blessed.
Good stuff!
The blood is powerful and I do believe we as Chirsitans miss something by not pleading or claiming this powerful protection!
God bless!
Give me a shout back!
Pastor Ken
So glad that I was contacted by you and directed to your site. I enjoyed reading many articles on your site, when I came to read, “Plead the Blood.”
Thanks, Bill
Bill: You left a comment on my blog where I mentioned pleading the blood over my family each day. I read your post which you directed me to and I happen to agree. I believe there is a lot of power in pleading the blood of Jesus over ourselves and our families and we do it with our words. I find it extremely important – actually the most important thing I do each morning when I first get up and each night when I go to sleep. I will definitely visit your blog again and I hope you’ll visit mine as well. Thanks for leaving me a comment as well. Ann
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I really appreciate your encouragement.
Your commentary on the blood of Jesus is edifying and helpful.
Jesus was the ultimate passover Lamb and His blood does indeed cause the destroyer to pass over us, ultimately in eternity, when we accept the redemptive power of that blood.
I would respectfully dissent from Mr. Chatfield’s above comment wherein he claims that there is no scriptural foundation for pleading the blood of Jesus.
Plead in this case does not mean “beg.” It refers to “petition.” We are called to offer prayers, requests, supplications and petitions to the Lord. We are called to do this in Jesus’ name. It was through Jesus’ death and resurrection that we are saved, bringing victory over death, hell and the grave.
There is power in the blood of Jesus. The Bible is specific in several places as to this. See for example, Isaiah 53, which of course deals with the manner in which Jesus was pierced, crushed, punished, wounded, and more for US. His sacrifice was sufficient payment for the keys to hell, and as a result, we now have power over death in Christ Jesus.
That power is for more than just our ticket into heaven, otherwise we wouldn’t have Revelation 12:11-12, which refers to now, in addition to heaven. His grace is sufficient and we have no right to expect that He would have given us power and authority by His blood here and now, but amazingly, He has seen fit to do so.
One book that I have found very informative on the topic of the power of the blood of Jesus is, The Blood and the Glory, by Billye Brim. It’s probably one you’re familiar with, but thought I would share.
In His grip,
Shannon Smith
I’ve been pleading the blood of Jesus over my family for a long time. I used stand over my babies’ cribs and pray the blood of Jesus over them. I am glad to have the visual reminder of the Passover as the way we should plead the blood over the doorposts of our homes, over our families, and even the people in our churches, places of employment and at school. Your words encouraged me tonight to dig deeper. Thank you!
Hi Bill! I am so glad that I was able to read your post on Pleading THe Blood. By the by…that’s powerful. What a God idea. Would you mind if I link it to some of the articles that I have written? I get a lot of traffic and inquiring minds want to know all about what you’re speaking of. Let me know and again…many thanks! Blessings & Love Sister Elaine
Hey Bill. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Of course there is power in the blood, but that power is the power to save our souls from hell. I would be careful creating formulas with God. Believe me, I have been around those teachings enough to realize that as soon as you think you have God figured out and crammed into a little box of neat quaint formulas, He will turn your life upside down just to show you that He is in control. I believe God is good. I believe we can ask God to protect us and our families and He will. I don’t believe that “pleading the blood” is scriptural or necessary. I have seen it put people into so much bondage. They feel that they have to say “I plead the blood over my family, house, car, etc. etc. etc.” every day and night, as if God’s protection has a 12 hour time limit on it and then you have to renew it! God forbid that they forget one night, or leave something or someone out, then God is not able to protect them! They think they are operating in faith, but they are really reacting to fear, and it becomes works for them. The teaching is wrong. It doesn’t help people. It puts them in bondage.
Lev. 17:11 – the life of the flesh is in the blood. Jesus’ blood cannot lie! Thanks for writing this.
Thanks for the comments that you posted on my blog. I really do love the way you said that you don’t know what may have passed over. I myself plead the blood over myself, my family and nation and know that the blood is a demon repellent (like a mosquito repellent).
Blessings and have a great day
Some years ago, as I was about to travel with a group, a lady was told to lead us in a prayer session. She was supposed to pray for a safe journey for the trip. She prayed what many called a “powerful prayer”. She covered the driver, car tires, steering wheels, road [from Asaba to Lagos] with the “blood of Jesus”. After the “prayer session”, I walked up to her and joked that she made the journey a bloody one for all of us! She said that she was “pleading the blood” over us.
To plead the blood is not to say, “I plead the blood”. Imagine you have a lawyer who is supposed to plead your case, on getting to the court all he says is, “I plead his case, I plead his case, I plead his case”. You’ll probably fire him and get a better lawyer. Pleading your case is not to say, “I plead my case”, it is to declare the favorable facts of the law.
Find out what the Bible says that the blood of Jesus has provided for us, then receive it for yourself! For example, the Bible says that we Gentiles have been brought near, into God’s inheritance with the Jews who believe in God. How do I plead it? I declare that I am not far anymore but God has brought me near because of the blood of Jesus.
When the devil starts to accuse me, and points out my sins and mistakes. I remind him that I have been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb, and that I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. That’s how to plead your case. Not by shouting blood, and more blood like juju priests .Let’s consider a scripture.And likewise he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry. (Hebrews 9:21).
Most of these “new” kinds of prayer is based on this scripture when the High Priest of Israel sprinkled the blood of the animal slain over Temple objects once a year. Let’s consider some points. First and foremost, only the High Priest was allowed to sprinkle the blood in this fashion and no one else. We have only one High Priest in the New Testament and you are not Him. There are lots of things we can do in Christ’s stead but we can never do anything when it comes to the acts of redemption. That’s the exclusive right of our mediator the High Priest. Secondly, the High Priest only sprinkled it on the Holy Temple articles, rarely directly on the Jew but NEVER on common things. The blood of Jesus is not meant to be sprinkled on your eba and beans.
Thirdly, the New Testament is superior to the Old in that in the Old the blood had to be shed and sprinkled every year but in the New, the blood is shed ONCE and FOR ALL TIMES! The sprinkled blood two thousand years ago affected forever, the past, present, and future! To sprinkle it again is to insult the Spirit of grace and to deny the finished work of Christ, the atonement. We can’t do it again, we only receive what Jesus has done!
Two thousand years ago, we were covered once and for times with the blood of Jesus.
Some of you think that I’m preaching “new” doctrine, that this young man is trying to destroy some of our ancient landmarks. But the contrary is the case. No one prayed like that in the whole Bible! The Bible is a book of prayers, but not one person covered anything with the blood of Jesus in the whole Bible! I don’t know about you, but I can’t base my spirituality on anything extra-biblical.
You are not the High Priest, don’t make light Holy Things. The blood of propitiation is too precious to carry on a bucket to sprinkle anything that comes our way, eba, tire, steering, and all. Please don’t make our roads bloody.
Thanks so much, Bill, for visiting my blogsite and leaving your comments. Pleading the Blood works regardless of some of the negative comments above. Satan cannot cross the bloodline. Lois
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ upon my family each and every day, NUMEROUS times of day…..Thank you for sharing this truth. I too have taught many others the importance of this..and have even used the same scriptures….God bless.
A question.
The blood of Yeshua (Jesus) covers or cleans those who repent. You cannot “protect” a person by claiming the blood over him/her.
The blood only covers you when you repent and turn to God. Yes you can intercede for their salvation and repentance. But the blood of God is only for those who repent.
I don’t see how this “saying” has any power outside of what the blood means, which is to cover and cleanse those who accept Him as their saviour and who repent from their sins.
Any help?
I’d love some scripture to support the blood of Yeshua (Jesus) covering those who have not repented. And once a person has repented there is no to the “be covered again”, we are covered once and for all. Yes we can praise Him for it daily but we don’t have to “get covered” again because His covering is sufficient for all of eternity.
If you’d like me to supply scripture to support this I will gladly do so.
Thank you for your time 🙂
Hi…God bless you…
Yes I use the Blood of Jesus in my everday life and it does work, I have been using it for years and have seen the results of what it can do …
Praise the Lord God…Awesome Creator We Worship & Praise…
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I find it interesting how there is a mix of negative and positive comments on this site regarding pleading the blood. I am all for searching out the scriptures and being accurate, but I find that some of that can really bind you up and you need to remember that God is word and spirit as well. The comments about things only needing to be done once–putting the blood over the doors and Jesus shedding his blood–that is true. However, the Bible is a guide to us for how to do life. I think both of these instances show that the blood has power and we ought to pay attention to that. Also, it was mentioned that this sort of prayer–pleading the blood–can put a person in bondage. I agree, but I don’t think it is the fault of the prayer. I think PEOPLE put themselves in bondage when they think they need pray something everyday, every minute, once a week, etc. What I find, though, is that prayer is often to help us. In other words, we need the reminder of the blood and speaking it encourages us that God has things under control. He doesn’t need to be reminded of the blood, but we do. So what harm is there in repeating what has happened in scripture? Nothing in my mind. Someone said that by pleading the blood we are acting as if Jesus needed to die more than once, or the blood wasn’t all-powerful for the cleansing of sins. I don’t think that is what anyone who agrees with pleading the blood means to do. We are remembering what Jesus did and reminding ourselves and the enemy of the truth. It is encouraging and empowering.
Here is another random thought. God sent his son to die on the cross for sinners, right? That means that on any given day, any manner of person–knowledgeable or lacking knowledge of the word of God–might be praying to God with their concerns or needs–petitioning Him for help, instruction, protection. I am sure that, in the midst of that, there are some praying amiss. I am sure some have prayed things that are not “Biblical” per se. But these prayers are prayed in faith. These prayers are prayed to bless. Those who pray are desirous to do good. I know God sees the heart and knows what people need and what they mean. I believe His grace is that, when we pray, he hears our hearts. If we are truly seeking God, we will find him when we seek him with all our hearts. As we are seeking there is grace. I hope I made some sense. I am not saying we shouldn’t endeavor to pray accurately and Biblically. I am just saying that, God’s grace is sufficient for us.
Weather its pleading or proclaiming or testifying we must always remember the blood. It is one of the most the most important aspects of out faith because of who shed it (Jesus, the most important person) and where he shed it (the cross, the most important event). To reply to an earlier comment I do think the Passover story has significance in our lives today. The Old Testament is much more than a historical record (but that just my opinion). Anyways thanks for your post Bill!!!
Peace brother.
Wonderful article of truth! Amen! Every Christian father should take your advice as given here in this article. Thank you for sharing this with us. I also appreciate you reading my article on “Halloween and the Spirit of Fear.”
Great post Bill! I do it every day as well. I also plead the blood over my mind. If my thoughts aren’t right and I don’t have the mind of Christ.. my whole day is a mess. Thanks for responding to my post. I’ll definitely be checking back with you. 🙂
Thanks for picking up on my journal entry regareding “pleading the blood.” As I said in my journal entry, there is power in the blood and as believers, we do ourselves an injustice if we do not “plead the blood” or figuratively “cover ourselves with the blood” and allow His power to be released in our lives, over our familes and over our situations. I’ve been blessed by this act of faith and that’s all I need to know.
Hi Bill! Thanks so much for stopping by. I loved the fresh revelation that you have shared on pleading the Blood of Jesus. I am in 3 Prayer groups and I will share that with everyone.
I imagine that there are people who don’t believe this…but I know the Blood has been a shield for me and my family for such a long time. Sense knowledge will not allow people to receive this revelation. It reminds me of when Jesus asked Peter who he was and Peter said: “you are The Christ” and Jesus said: “flesh and blood hath not revealed this to you but my father who is in heaven!”
Well, I receive your instruction as we go from Glory to Glory! All the best with your work for the Lord..I’ll stop by as much as I can. Never know what God might want me to hear. Love you much….Elaine D.
Hi Bill! I received your comment on and thought I would stop by upon your invitation and visit your blog. I love what you have written here! It is such a beautiful, simple understanding of the blood of Jesus. What a blessed man of God and powerful intercessor you are! I plan to stop by again.
Thank you!
Hello Bill!
Thanks for stopping by at my blog and commenting about pleading the Blood. There’s power in the Blood and I see the power displayed with our family and farm!
God Bless!
Thank you very much for your respond God bless you ! I read your and I loved it . All our goal is to open the people eyes so they will know the truth and in believeing the Lord will deliver ,heal , restore their lives . My husband and I are called to spiritual warfare and deliverance. We appreciate your email and we will glady read it more. Happy ,bless, Nwe Year to you ,your family and staff and the visison the Lord has called you to.
All In Jesus
Mrs. Thompson
From one “Bill” to another … It’s obvious that you have visited several blogs which relate to your “plead the Blood” entry several years ago. And you do me honor by commenting on my blog today (2/22/10) @ . And you are right, what I posted on that date about “Unintentional Sin” is most certainly related to your “Plead the Blood” post. And let me assure you that I am going to add this discipline to my daily regimen of praying for my wife, our daugthers, their husbands, and our five grandchildren. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog. Your brother, under His blood, … Bill Berry (Director, Battle Plan Ministries, see )
I am covered over with the robe of righteousness that Jesus… gives to me, gives to me.
I am covered over with precious blood of jesus … and HE lives in me, lives in me. What a joy it is to know my heavenly Father loves me so He… gives to me … my JESUS: now when He looks at me He sees not what I used to be , but He sees J E S U S ! … no condemnation! OH…Holy Spirit convict me of the free gift of your righteousness and remind me not to critisise your perfect work. Your workmanship!” What God calls clean, call NOT unclean” Acts 19:15.
Great insight on bleeding the Blood and thank you for finding me on the web as well.
Be Blessed
Jackie Moore
Thank you! That gives me a visual of what I am doing. I appreciate you sharing with me.
Hello Bill, thanks for dropping in to my site, and giving me yours ,I have just read these comments above about what I wrote on the Blood of Jesus,
Yes I can say that when I gave my life over totally to Jesus back in 1978 I wantd to find out more about the shedding of the Blood, I did a study on it, and it was an eye opener to me, I will be writing more about it in my site very soon of what I studied.
satan can get into our minds when we are open to the world, BUT when we are under the protection of the Blood of Jesus, nothing can penetrate through the Blood.
Hello Bill,
Thank you for commenting on my GoodNews Bible study web site. I have read the comments here with great interest. Ministry took me away from the blog for some time. I am just now posting your comment, which includes your web site.
Our study in First John 1 has to do with confession and cleansing, as children walking IN Christ’s eternal life.
Your study has to do with protection and obedience as an application of scriptures, if I understand your 2004 post that you asked me to read. His blood will NEVER lose its power. Christ’s blood like God’s love is to deep for us to understand fully; but we rejoice in what understanding He has given us of both.
Please continue to comment and pass along this site and mine as our Lord leads.
Thanks for visiting my blog page. I first learned about pleading the Blood of Jesus from a co-worker who ministered to me during a trial I went through. I never knew the power of pleading the Blood of Jesus until then. Thanks again. Monica
Wow this “sounds” so great doesn’t it? Almost too good to be true… just say the magic words and poof!- protection.
But before we accept this as “gospel”…let us look at the whole chapter of Exodus 12 which is the first passover God instituted as a type and shadow of salvation to come, not general protection from an evil dying world as we might suppose. When we read the mentioned verse The Lord Himself is doing the talking here and the one doing the slaying – read Exodus 12:12 “For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgement: I Am the Lord.” So if we are to use this example of scripture for “protection from evil” then they were in a sense pleading Jesus’ blood to protect them from God? That sounds like a kingdom divided to me, but if we apply it in the correct context of salvation then it makes sense-we are all sinners living in Egypy(sin)and deserving of its consequences – death. But when we come under the blood of the Lamb, then God will passover us and not kill us because of our sins. Remember, Egypt is a type of sin to be judged by a righteous God. So, this reference is looking forward to salvation from our sins in the form of the spotless Lamb of God – Jesus, not protection from life’s evil circumstances. As for celebrating passover annually, that was God’s way of reminding them and us of the coming salvation because they as do we forget easily. Once the perfect spotless Lamb of God was sacraficed on the alter of the cross, like Jesus our Savoir said…”It is finished!”
As for Rev. 12:11 again we see here the blood to be applied again to salvation not protection. “And they overcame him (satan)by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testamony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” I do believe that the word “death” is in that passage. Where is the protection of which you speak? – apparently they died even though they supposedly pled the blood? – oops. Did God not hear the magic words “I pleed the Blood”? or did satan just not respect the “blood” applied over themselves?
No, once again this is speaking of salvation, we willingly accept the sacrafice Jesus made on the cross, He shed His blood once for us – he took our place, then Jesus being faithful and just to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness, washes us clean with His perfect sinnless blood from all our sins and we must confess with our mouth that He is our Lord, there by overcoming the evil one and not becoming a permentant residient of hell when we die. 10 out of 10 people die, it just depends where our real self (soul and spirit)will spend eternity. (see Matt16:25 but read the whold chapter!)
This is a perfect example of picking and choosing segments of the Word and trying to make them fit our seemingly good “ideas” or vain imaginings – …there is a way that seems right unto a man but its end is the way of death..(Prov 14:12 – again read the whole chapter in its context)
If we read the verses surrounding Rev. 12:11 then we will get the entire picture – satan is thrown out of heaven and onto the earth after tying to usurp God’s throne in verses 7-12. Rev. 12:10 “Then I (Apostle John)heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our bretheren(satan), who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down.” There is no mention of protection here, but there is a mention of – salvation. That is when we should say, “Uh oh!” because when Satan is on the earth in the last days, boy he is going to be angry! But don’t worry, I am sure he will leave you alone as long as you plead the blood -right?
These are the last days folks and we have been warned repeatedly by our Lord Jesus and all of His apostles that in the last days false teachings, false “messiahs” which can be traslated as false “anointings”, will be so prevelent and so destructive (spread like cancer – 2Tim 2:17)that it would seem that even the elite would be deceived. 1 and 2 Timothy are nearly all dedicated to the subject of false teachers, read them in their entirity. Jesus himself wondered if He would even find faith when He returned – (Luke 18:8 This verse proceeds the teaching of the unjust judge which illustrates by contrast God as a just judge and we are not widows but members of Chirst’s own body, He is ever ready to correct wrongs we have suffered at the hands of injustice when we pray to Him- not command Him!)
I urge us all to get serious, if we have turly made Jesus our Lord then this is not our home, we have His precious promises of a new body and a new heaven and eventually a new earth, if we remain faithful to Him, so do a study on and read about false prophets in the Bible. I am ashamed to say that I once aspoused this heresy and many more like it- but I purposed in my heart to search for The Truth, and God is faithful, it has been about 1 year of seaching, reading and listening, but I have finally seen The Light! I have been set free from the chains put on me by 20 years of the Word of Faith cult. And if that makes some of you mad, then good, prove me wrong using actual chapters of scripture not little verses clipped from here and there. It has been very painful, but it has been very very good! Do not be deceived little lambs, there are ravenous wolves within our flock and they are dressed up to look like sheep. I encourage you to be a Berean! If you continue to follow a false Jesus, one made up by other men or yourself then you will be ripe for the kingdom of the Anti-Christ. Jesus said of himself that He came to bring a sword, not peace! – Matt 10:34, again read the whole chapter!
Even so come Lord Jesus!
Bill…thanks for taking the time to read my blog on “The Blood of Jesus”…I also had a chance to read your article, “Plead the Blood” and it is powerful…A lot to pause and think about…You are so right, we don’t know what has passed over us and our family when we smear the blood on our door posts(when we plead the blood of Jesus)…I love it!
Thank you so much for stopping by my website, (blog)and sharing.
It is through the understanding of pleading the blood that I plead the blood over family and friends. It is more important that I do so over enemies (of course coupled with the prayer Father, forgive them for they know not what they do).
I do it for two reasons: (1) God doesn’t wish to see anyone perish and (2) It allows me to be completely free from any bondages that may surface through having enemies – and we will have at least one until we leave this earth.
I pray God will continue to use you greatly through your revelations.
Hi Bill
This is a wonderful blog. It’s so inporatant to plead the blood of Jesus over ourselves and loved ones. Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing your blog with me.
Hi Bill. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and that you so much for yours! My Pastor teaches us to plead the blood over every area of our lives and our families. I love how you do that! And no, we don’t know what God has protected us from when we plead the blood, but we do know that we are safe and secure! Thanks again!!
Thank you for the comment you left about “Pleading the Blood”. It’s an awesome deal the wave of communication available around the world to people we may have never spoken to walking down the street, or have never seen before (it’s prophecy come true, only in this day and age His Word the gospel can be spread through out the earth). I was wondering is there a way to “follow” your blogs.
I don’t really know what has “passed over” us while we were inside but I do know that God is watching over us and we are in His hands. What a comfort!
amen amen amen…I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over my family each and every day, sometimes numerous times a day. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and also sharing this link..What a blessing..
Hello Bill,
Thank you for visiting our website, Plead the Blood Security,
So many Believers are not aware of this benefit of the Cross. God has placed such an urgency on our hearts for this teaching. Our main objective is to get the word out. Our decals help to do just that. If you know of someone that is undecided about purchasing our packets we encourage you to send us an email and we will gladly supply you with a few packets to share with anyone that is interested. Our prayer is that more churches will see what an opportunity this is to teach their congregation the importance of pleading the blood daily over all of our loved ones and our property. The more people that see these decals, the more opportunity we, as Believers, have to share this Biblical principle for rebuking the works of Satan. Our email is
Excellent word on pleading the blood. I am convicted by your diligence to keep your family in the blessing and protection of God. Your family is blessed to have such a devoted follower of Jesus Christ as head over the home. Thank you for leaving your comment on my blog, following your link has allowed me be encouraged by your devotion.
I was told by the Holy Spirit many years ago to memorize verbatim the 91st Psalm and say that every day for PROTECTION. When I pray the 91st Psalm daily I KNOW that I am Scripturally correct because it is 100% God’s Word and His promise for protection for any potential threat, danger, disease, etc. I think this is a much more accurate way to pray as we don’t have any evidence of disciples or apostles in the Bible praying by “pleading the blood”; however, we do see the Scriptures being quoted in prayer and in spiritual warfare throughout. I feel much more confident praying the Scripture (91st Psalm) than a phrase that someone made up. Just my thoughts….hope this helps someone.
Blessings in Jesus’ name!
After reading this I thought it was highly enlightening. I value you finding the time and energy to put this informative article together. Once again I discover myself shelling out way too much time both reading through and also commenting. But so what, ?t had been nevertheless of great benefit!
I beleive it is very important that we do not disregard the blood of Jesus.
The blood which defeated death and Satan is an atonement for our sins which makes us righteous so it gives Satan no authority over us. So if Satan attacks, testify your faith in Jesus and announce to Satan how he has no authority over you because of the blood shed for you by our Lord Jesus Christ.
That is the power we have with the blood. By announcing it rather than pleading.
We do not need to plead it because through faith, following the word of Christ and repenting and forsaking sins. We are covered.
Announce the power of the blood is testifying to the enemy that you beleive in the blood.
12:11 NKJ
11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
Victory over satan,,,amen great blog Bill, thaanks
Thank you all so very much for posting here! There are so many good ideas and thoughts! I have just begun “pleading the blood” over my natural and spiritual families, this country and it’s leadership. I will now begin to include my enemies and the enemies of my country(I also ask God to confuse and confound their evil plans and bring those plans to nothing).
Paul says we all ‘see through a glass darkly’ and we ‘know in part’ and ‘testify in part’. No human being, other than the Lord Jesus, knows and walks in all truth. “Pleading the blood” or “petitioning for salvation”….it’s all just semantics. (Although I believe the blood is more inclusive a concept) God sees our motivation and rewards faith. He knows we won’t walk in complete truth until we see Jesus face to face. His grace is sufficient for our short comings and lack of complete understanding. Frankly, I love to be saved…from whatever I need saving from…sin, bullets, disease, lack of peace, even myself if necessary. Salvation is spiritual, physical, emotional, and psychological. We walk by faith, not by sight. We walk in love and grace, not by the law.
The shedding of Jesus blood was necessary because of Adam and Eve’s treason and rebellion. The Mosaic law and Passover are types and shadows of Jesus and as such are incomplete pictures. The blood of Jesus is the real deal. I don’t think words can express the totality of the efficacy of the Blood.
Jesus work is finished. But I am a human being and I need to be reminded over and over again to renew my mind….that is why we take Communion over and over again. God’s mercies are new every morning, and I will remind Him (and myself) and thank Him every morning for what He has done for me, mine and my enemies.
The whole Bible points to the sacrifice of Jesus and His redemption of His people. It doesn’t make sense to me that we would only use great and precious gift of the Blood of Jesus once, for ourselves. I don’t believe that is the heart or the intent of God.
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