Given May 2, 2007
God has provided a way for each of us. I wrote about this recently relating to some erroneous advice I’d given my boys about their future and recently God showed me another way to look at it.
Isaiah 30:21 says, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it”.” So, I get the picture of a path laid before me, it’s a good road and I can see pretty far up ahead. That’s not too hard to follow especially if God is behind me encouraging me to go on.
But, what about when the way ahead is really foggy and you can’t see where you’re going? You’re almost walking blindly into who knows what. That’s where trust and faith comes in. We don’t need to see where we’re going if God has planned our journey and is behind us telling us to keep moving. God told Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. Genesis 12:1“. Abram didn’t know where he was going but he trusted God to know what was best for him and his family. We must do the same. If we trust God and keep moving, eventually the fog will disipate and the path will be clear. Besides, there may be distractions along the path God doesn’t want us to see.
I will be entering into the ranks of the retired soon and I was sort of whining to God in prayer recently about Him not telling me yet what He’s got planned for me. The scripture above immediately came to mind along with the phrase, “You’ll know when we get there.” Okay!
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There is always the task of ministry as they shall still bear fruit in old age as the Psalmist once said. There is no retirement with God so expand your ministry.