Given November 19, 2006
God has given me hundreds of “revelations” over the past three+ years so I have many more to write about. I decided to dig one of those scribbled notes out from the past for today.
When we get saved, God comes to live inside us. “And we know he lives in us because the Spirit he gave us lives in us.” 1 John 3:24. If such a great being lives in us, shouldn’t we look, behave, and sound differently? Of course. So why do so many Christians behave badly? It’s because God gave each of us a free will. We can look, behave, and sound like we want. The idea is for us to yield to God’s Spirit, exercise it, and allow It to become stronger than our will.
Jesus talks a lot about “bearing fruit”, (Matthew 7:15-23, John 15:1-8). His point is that what’s on the inside should show on the outside. I’ve heard it said that whatever we’re full of will splash over when we get bumped. Sometimes, what I splash over is not good; God and I are working on it though.
I’d like to close this short post with the story of a little boy talking to his Sunday School teacher about getting saved. The teacher had told the boy that when you get saved, you ask Jesus into your heart and He comes and lives inside you. The boy’s response was, “If Jesus comes to live inside me, won’t He stick out? I’m little and He’s big!” Indeed! Jesus IS big and He should stick out and be noticed by everyone around us. Right?
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Dear Bill
Thanks for visitng my blog and your comments about pleading the blood. I read your post on this topic and was greatly encouraged by it and by the comments of others. My home church told me that pleading the blood is not scriptural and that I misapplied the scriptures related to the passover blood. While I was repenting from this and asking the Holy Spirit for correction, He spoke to me saying: “every verse of scripture is the life-blood of Christ. When believers confess scripture out loud, they are covering an area they have prayed about and surrendered with this life-blood. That is why scripture is called the Living Word and that is why the presence of the Lord no longer goes with believers as a cloud overhead as it did in the days of Exodus but lives within us permanently. ”
I enjoyed reading your recent posts, especially the ones about marriage. Please feel free to e-mail me if you would like to share news and testimonies from your congregation to ours:
Will visit this blog again whenever I can- in this part of the word we don’t always have regular internet access so please be patient if it takes a while for replies to posts/ correspondence to go through.
Blessings ,
True, in 2009 I want Jesus to stick out and let everyone see. Halleluyah. I’m blogrolling your blog..