Given August 2006
A believer is at home and all kinds of trouble has broken loose. This trouble is caused by several little demons who are ru
nning around making a mess of the house and the believer’s life. For some reason, the believer has opened the door to this harassment an
d something has to be done. The believer cries out, “Jesus HELP!”
Suddenly Jesus appears in the living room and the demons stop their ransacking. They know they’re in trouble now and stand there before Jesus trembling. Jesus points His Holy Ghost gun at them and blows them away. No more demon problem. The believer is overjoyed and thanks Jesus profusely. Jesus looks the believer right in the eye and says, “Child, I’m leaving this gun with you, fully loaded with the power of the Spirit. I’m giving you the power to do like I did today if any demons try to bother you again.”
The believer thanks Jesus again and puts the gun over the mantle in a place of honor. Every so often, he gets it down, dusts it off, and admires this treasure from Jesus. Then one day…the demons return causing trouble in the believer’s life again. He cries out to Jesus again but this time Jesus only speaks. “Child, I left you My gun to handle the demons.” “What did you do with it?” “I want you to use My power and My name to deal with these demons this time.” “Go ahead, do it!
The believer goes and gets the gun off the mantle as the demons are tearing his house apart. He points the gun and says, “In the name of Jesus….STOP!” The demons hear the name of Jesus and stop. The believer gets them in his sights and, just as Jesus did, blows them away. They’re gone! The believer is stunned. Then, joy returns as he realizes he did as Jesus did with the power Jesus had given him. “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.“ Luke 10:19
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Powerful analogy! Wow, it doesn’t leave much room for excuses, does it? God bless you richly!
I am new to blogging, and pretty klutzy at it, so please bear with me. With your permission, I would like to include a link to “Revelations From The Road” on mine. Would that be all right with you?
Thanks and God bless you!