Given June 16, 2009
“So make yourself an ark…” Genesis 6: 14 (NIV)
Adam and Eve sinned in Genesis 3, Cain killed his brother Abel in Genesis 4, and it spread until, “the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.” Genesis 6: 11. God was looking down on all this and was grieved, but He also saw a man, Noah, who the Bible says, “had found grace in the eyes of the Lord”, (v. 8). Noah had probably seen and was aware of all the evil going on around him but had kept his eyes on the Lord and did not conform to the world around him. I’m sure he spent time in prayer and walked with the Lord each day as well. God knew Noah.
Then one day God let Noah in on a secret; “Noah, my friend, the end of man is about to happen because the earth is filled with their violence and I’m going to destroy the earth with them.” (v. 13 paraphrased). But I want you to, “Make yourself an ark…” (v. 14). I’m sure Noah didn’t say, “That’s crazy!” but he didn’t understand. It had never rained on the earth at that time. Water came up from below to water the plants and the firmament above was like a canopy of a greenhouse and those two were what God let loose to make the flood. Why would God tell Noah to build this giant boat out there in his back yard? It seemed crazy. And, all the people in the neighborhood DID say that was crazy. I can just see them laughing and making fun of Noah and his boys building this giant boat on dry land. (Doesn’t the world make fun of some of the things we do?)
But…”Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” (v. 22). Even if you don’t understand, when God speaks, DO IT!
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Glory Glory GLORY!!! amen amen amen