Given November 2009
There is a commercial for an investment company where the clients are provided a green line to keep them on track with their investments so as to accomplish their goals and reach their destination. Every time I see that it reminds me of the plan of God for our lives. The dialog in the commercial even relates to biblical principals and i think there is a strong coorelation there. The people are encouraged to follow the plan, stay on the course laid out in front of them by the green line, and to not be distracted by paths that seem beneficial or other people who may try to disuade you from sticking to your path.
The Bible says: “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21). God has laid out a path for us to travelwith the final destination being Heaven. We will be distracted often to take an exit off that path to a place that looks good and may even have a large, flashing sign to intice us but that voice will always be there encouraging us to “follow the path”. The Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6 says in verse 13, “and lead us not into temptation“. Of course the Lord would not lead us ionto temptation and another way of saying that would be, “lead us away from temptation”. That’s the green line.
If you’re saved and on the path God has told you to follow, keep walking, God is with you. “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, thou art with me.” (Psalm 23:4). Or maybe you’ve wandered off that path. Be assured He is waiting there on the path to take you back and continue your journey on the green line…or maybe it’s a purple line or a gold one to match the streets in Heaven. Whatever…follow the path!
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