Last time we looked at the first two steps in strengthening your Spirit: 1. Realizing there is a battle between your flesh and your Spirit and 2. Reading the Bible. Today we will look at the other five steps.
3. Not only do we need to read our Bible but we must study it. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15). We can’t make the grade if we don’t study. 4. Part of studying the Word is memorizing it. “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11). We have to be able to recall the truth of God when our flesh pops up and put it back in its place. 5. Pray. There is no way we can strengthen our Spirit without spending time with the Spirit that lives in us. Prayer is talking to God and listening to what He has to say…and He knows a lot of stuff that will benefit us in our quest to become strong. 6. Just like in athletics an important part of strength and skill building is practice. Once we know the Word, have it in our heart, and get some directions from talking with God, we must apply it to our lives. Our flesh will try to take over in situations but we must, “Be ye doers of the Word and not hears only.” (James 1:22). The more we make the right decision and take the right action, the easier it will become and our Spirit will become stronger while our flesh gets weaker. That’s the goal. 7. The last step in strengthening our Spirit is teamwork. It’s much easier to build strength if you’re part of a team and not all by yourself. That’s why it’s important to be connected with a group of like-minded believers who want to strengthen their Spirit too. The church is a team, a Bible study group could be your team, and even a friend or two who are “working out” with you can be your team.
So if you’re interested in strengthening your Spirit so it will win out when life’s problems come your way, use these seven steps and get to work! Be blessed.
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