God wants things on earth to be as they are in Heaven; as He created earth to be from the beginning. But Adam gave that all up and evil entered the earth. It got so bad that God was sorry he created man and wiped the earth clean again but spared Noah, who “found favor in the eyes of God”, (Genesis 6:8). Well, things are pretty bad again but God said He would not destroy the earth again, (Genesis 8:21).
Things got bad again because man is inherently evil but this time, God sent Jesus to save the world. Jesus lived teaching us how to live and He died to take that inherent sin away from us. Now we, as Christians, are a great army of little Jesuses on the earth but we’re not having the impact God intended. We’re not having dominion over the earth as God instructed Adam and his descendants to have.
God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of the evil that was in them but He saved Lot and his family because they were not evil. Can we see the kind of evil in our country that God destroyed in those cities? Yes we can. God’s plan for sending Jesus to the earth was to re-establish His plan from the Garden of Eden. Those who accept the sacrifice Jesus made are supposed to “be fruitful and replenish the earth”, which is what He told Adam and Noah.
“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:10). That’s God’s plan and we have the Spirit of God in us as Christians to fulfill this prayer. We have the authority and the power to establish God’s Kingdom on this earth. It’s up to us! If it doesn’t get done, we are to blame.
We have a calling and one way to make a difference is with our vote on November 6. We MUST take our stand for Godly principles and not sit back and hope someone else does it. You have one week to register to vote. We should be praying every day, several times a day for our country and, yes, for our president and government officials. It’s up to us. Don’t blow off the plan of God like Adam did.