“O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever.” (Psalm 107:1)
Thank you. Two words we like to hear and should be saying. When someone does something good for you, a “thank you” is the way to show your appreciation. However, there are two types of “thank you’s”. One is the “thank you” you say in passing; almost like it’s a recording. Someone holds the door for you and you say, “Thanks”. Then there is the kind of “thank you” that is really sincere; from the heart. The kind where you might say, “Wow, thank you very much!”
Now, think about your “thank you’s” to the Lord. The Bible says to, “Ask and you shall receive”, (Matthew 7:7), so we ask. The Lord already knows what we need but He wants us to ask anyway. If we are asking for something He’s already said He would do, then a “thank you” is in order, don’t you think? In order for us to know what God has said He would do, we have to study His word, the Bible. So, for example, if we ask God to be with us, we know He has said, “I am with you always”, (Matthew 28:20) and, “I will never leave you.”, (Hebrews 13:5). So after we ask, we should then say, “Thank you Lord that you are with me and you will never leave me.” If fear tries to invade your mind, say, “Thank you Father that you are right here beside me.” How does God feel when He has told us what He will do for us and we keep coming to him begging time after time, “Oh God…please help me, please be with me, please, please, please!” I can almost hear Him say, “Son/daughter, I have already taken care of that, I told you so. Just thank me for it.”
I have begun thanking God lately in specific times when I have asked for something. I have found it creates a peace when I acknowledge I’m thankful for the answer even when I don’t see it yet. I think that’s called faith. God said He would do it, I ask Him for it, and I thank Him for the answer. Whew…God’s taking care if it…God’s got this now. “Wow, thank you God very much!” Try it this week.