Given Spring of 2005
“Owe no man anything but to love him” Romans 13:8
So, when you encounter people anywhere, just pay them what you owe them, love. Be nice to them, don’t be grumpy or short with them. Be nice. You know, God may have a favor lined up for you, (especially if you’ve been praying for one); have it ready to send through some person. But if you’re grouchy with that person or someone else, you may cancel your favor. Be nice!
God Is Watching You!
Given May 2005
Let’s say, you’re at a ballgame and you’re getting ready to yell at the ref…
Or, you hit your finger with a hammer…
Or, your car won’t start and you’re already late…
Or what about, you’re about to pass on that little tidbit about you-know-who…
And…if God was right there with you, you’d act differently wouldn’t you? Well, guess what? God said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. Joshua 1:5, He IS right there with you! Think about it.
A Return On Your Gift?
Given May 10, 2005
When giving, we may not be getting the return on our gift that God wants to give us because we’re not giving it with joy or cheerfully. The gift we give will benefit the one who receives it, (a person, your church, etc.), but if we’re giving it out of obligation or because we have to, God won’t be released to bless us in the way He desires. “..God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor. 9:7) and He is poised to hand out blessings in abundance to those He finds willing to give without expecting anything in return. Let’s pray for the right attitude about giving.
God’s Undeserved Favor
Question Answered October 2005
I was painting a room and the roller kept slipping down requiring me to tap it on the roller pan to secure it to the handle. After several slippages, in anger, I hit it on the plastic roller pan, breaking the pan. As I scrambled to keep paint from leaking on the carpet, I stepped in the paint further exasperating my situation.
I discovered I had no replacement pan, (more stress), and had to go to the local dollar store for another. Upon arriving in town and seeing traffic everywhere, I remembered the town’s Famous Fall Fling was going on and cars were parked everywhere! I needed to park and get my roller pan and get back home before the paint dried.
Still fresh from my recent temper flareup, I reluctantly prayed, “Lord, I’m sorry but could you favor me with a parking place?” There wasn’t much faith in that prayer but, wouldn’t you know, as I rounded the corner, a truck pulled out right in front of the dollar store! I was broken. I said, “Jesus, I thank you but why did you do this for me when I’ve been so bad?” He spoke to my spirit, “Son, I love you all the time, no matter what you do.”
I’m tearing up now as I write this. The love of God is so great, there’s nothing we can do to diminish it and His favor is there for the taking. Ask God to forgive you and except what He wants to give you.
May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17
Go Out!
Given April 8, 2001
During intercession time, I saw a beautiful field with green grass and flowers. A Christian in flowing clothes was frolicking in it, enjoying the beauty, fragrance, and warmth.
However, rising up at the edges of the beautiful field were dark, brown, hard, lifeless cliffs. Many people were bound or stuck in the cliffs and they were hurting. They were crying out for help.
We need to leave the fragrant fields and go to the hard places and minister to the hurting people who are there. We need to leave our beautiful churches and go to the ugly places where needy people are and give them the love of God.
“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23