Most of us know that, as we read God’s word, He will show us different things time and time again. It’s not a matter of, “Oh, I’ve already read that, I don’t need to read it again.” No, don’t say that! Following our church’s Bible reading plan, Project 345, I have read through the Bible numerous times and there’s always something new that God shows me from a very familiar verse. Recently, it was from James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” We’ve all read or heard this verse but this time, God gave me a vision to go along with it. Picture this:
A child of God has been trying to resist the devil WITHOUT first submitting to God. They think they can win their battle on their own but, as we know, that’s not going to happen. Well, they get beat up! As they stand there, all bloody, bruised and defeated, the devil stands there laughing at them. The child of God backs off, dejected, then turns and sees God standing several feet behind them. They remember this verse, realize their mistake and move toward God. As they draw near to Him, He draws near to them, (James 4:8). They face God, all bloody and bruised, they bow down to Him repenting and asking for forgiveness. God raises them up and puts His hands on their shoulders. (Can you picture it?) He says, “I forgive you. Now, do you submit to Me?” They exuberantly reply, “Oh yes Lord, I do!” And then they salute God as a military person would show respect and submission to their superior. God, says, “Okay, now turn around.” As they turn around and see the devil still standing there, looking worried now, suddenly they realize they have on the armor of God and the weapons of warfare, (Ephesians 6:10-18, go read it and be strengthened). God says, “Now take a step toward the enemy then STAND.” As they do, the devil realizes what’s happening, turns and runs away. The child of God turns back to look at God who smiles and nods His head at them. Can you see it? What a great picture!
We all have and will encounter battles from the enemy. We are God’s children and the devil hates us. So, be sure to first submit and then resist.