Given March 2, 2019

“Renew a loyal spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10). I have a series of Biblical prayers that I read/pray each morning and this verse is included and it got me thinking recently. If David was asking God to “renew” a loyal spirit in him, that must mean that his loyalty had expired or lessened. Think about our loyalty…where is it directed and how strong is it? Think of the things we’re loyal to; our family, a sport, a brand, an addiction, a friendship, a church, a political party or a hobby. There could be many more things on this list. The definition of loyalty is: “Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.” Yes, we can look at the things listed above and agree with that definition. I guess you know where I’m going with this.
What about God? Are we giving or showing Him firm and constant support and allegiance? Sometimes people show unloyalty to other people, hobbies or even church, (although I can’t imagine a person loyal to a sports team sneaking into a room to watch another team on TV.) And it’s a battle being un-loyal to your addiction. But what about God? What does it take for us to be loyal to Him? Look back at that definition, “firm and constant support or allegiance”. God himself said, “You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3). And Jesus told the people, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God,” (Matthew 6:33). So, think about your loyalty to God. Is it first, strongest, constant? Or is it just another thing on your list, a Sunday only loyalty?
I think we all need to pray as David did, “God, please renew a loyal spirit within me. Help me to see where my loyalty is slipping and give me strength and wisdom to sort out my priorities. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.”