Given July 7, 2007
“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. James 1:22.” We’ve heard that verse before and realize it’s talking about the Word of God; that we should take action after we hear a sermon, read the Bible, or receive some teaching. If we don’t DO anything with the Word, what good was it to have heard it? What’s the point? I would say that many Christians don’t do much with what they know spiritually. Maybe you agree and maybe you don’t but let’s look at it another way.
Take a kid in school. The point of going to school is to learn what’s necessary to be successful in the world, right? To get a job, to support yourself and your family, help some people, and contribute to society. So, how ridiculous would it be for a kid to go all the way through school, to “hear” everything the teachers had to say, remember it, then go out into the world and do nothing? Spend all that time in school preparing for life but never using what you learned! You’d think, “What a waste!” Well, that’s right, it would be a terrible waste but aren’t most Christians doing just that?
We go to church at least once a week, (don’t we???), hear teaching from the Bible, then go home and back to whatever it is we do. Then do it all over the next week. I’m being a little hard here but God has convicted me for this so I’m preaching to myself! I go to church a lot and listen to teaching in between but, God reminded me, I’m not doing enough with all I’m learning.
The purpose of going to school is to learn how to live and live it. The purpose of hearing the Word is to learn what God wants us to do and …. DO IT! Think how you can use what you learn the next time you hear the Word. The Holy Spirit will give you an assignment; don’t miss it! Be blessed!