Given July 11, 2008
I have been asked to speak next month at the Men’s Prayer Breakfast at another church in my town. I’ve been doing this for a few years and God always gives me something good to share with the men and, most of the time, I have something to illustrate the message. I had a couple of ideas of what I might speak on but I asked my wife what she thought. This month, God spoke through my wonderful wife and they gave me the following:
We all know God is supposed to be the center of our lives. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37“. He is supposed to be the center of our marriage, our job, our recreation, our finances, our politics, etc. My wife suggested that I look at it like a pie. God is in the center of the pie and every piece cut from that pie has God in it. Can you picture that?
Well, God showed me another part of this picture. When you get a piece of pie, which part of the pie do you take a bite of first? Most people’s first bite is the little pointed end that came from…..the center. God is saying even though He is to be the center of our everything, He should be the first as well. God told Cain sin was at his door because he brought an offering that was not his first fruits, Genesis 4:7. We should not only give God our best but give it first; make Him first. The rich young ruler was not willing to put Jesus in the center of his life, “But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. Mark 10:22“.
Now, every time you have a piece of pie in front of you, I pray you think about that first bite and making God is first and center in your life. Be blessed!