Given May 11, 2007
During my morning prayer time on this day, I got a vision of what it might be like for those who are not saved. I was praying for several of those on my prayer list who I knew were, “wandering in darkness”. I prayed for God to let them see the light.
I saw them in a dark room. They were wandering around, bumping into things, tripping over things, and there was an evil laughing in the room. But then, on the other side of the room, a small light appeared! The one in darkness saw it and moved toward it. The evil laughing one, the devil, instantly got worried because he knew what would happen if the person got to the light. But he couldn’t do anything about it except to lie and try to convince tghem to not pay any attention to it. As they got closer to the light, it intensified and the way out was revealed.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12“. I pray that all those on my list and others “in darkness” will see the light and go to it like moths to the porch light on a summer night. I also pray that the light of Jesus will shine brightly in me so others will see and be attracted to Jesus.