Given November 18, 2008
I’m on the Board of Deacons at my church and we had a deacon’s meeting on this evening. After the normal “business” of church administration, our pastor directed us to think about what our dreams were for our church. Our AG church, I think, is a progressive congregation focusing on Jesus and leaning toward the contemporary style of worship. Our pastor is a gifted leader and is not satisfied with, “church as usual” and, thus, our church is different than most in our area of Southwest Virginia. The early church was different too, wasn’t it?
As we talked about what we, as deacons, dreamed for our church, some things mentioned were, “500 for Saturday night prayer.”, “A place where miracles happen regularly.”, and “Hosting a youth conference with thousands in attendance.”. All these things sounded great and I know they can all come to pass. “All things are possible to him who believes. Mark 9:23.” So, what would God say about our dreams?
I got this vision, or revelation, as I frequently do, of me telling God my dreams for our church. As I told God one dream, He’d say, “OK, no problem.”. I’d tell Him another and He’d say, “I can do that.” With another, He’s say, “All these things are easy for me and I want to make your dreams realities but you’re not dreaming big enough! And, you know, your dreams depend on you too. Do you really believe I can and will do these things? Are you reading My Word and following My commands? Are you willing to sacrifice and pray to help make these dreams come to pass?”. I realized many of the things we ask God for, things we pray for, He is ready and willing to speak them into existanct but is waiting for us to do our part.
“Be ye doers of the Word and not hears only. James 1: 22“. This is so important. What’s your dream for your church, your family, your job, or your life. God is able, God is willing, and He could very well be waiting on you. Ask Him what you are to do. You probably already know.