Originally posted in January 2006
Is there really none righteous on earth, Romans 3:10? See what God showed me about this verse from a past revelation: https://roadrevelations.org/?p=45
Insight into God's word, delivered from behind the wheel and from God's Word.
Originally posted in January 2006
Is there really none righteous on earth, Romans 3:10? See what God showed me about this verse from a past revelation: https://roadrevelations.org/?p=45
Given January 2011
Occasionally I get a revelation of something I’ve written about previously so I decided I would re-post on those topics and possibly add some new content. From the summer of 2007 – “Holdng On”
A new picture I recently got of this is of the person carrying the heavy load in the post from 2007 having Jesus come up to them and making an offer, “Can I carry that for you?” We know from the Bible that Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Just like some people choose not to exchange their problems for what Jesus offers, they can’t seem to bring themselves to let Him carry their burdens. 1 peter 5:7 encourages us to, “Cast our cares on Him because He cares for us.” Jesus is still making the offer, “Can I carry that for you?” Let’s give it to him.
Given January 2009
Are you a spiritual receiver? Do you receive anything from God? Having played sports in high school and watching football on TV for years, I see this spiritual receiving in similar fashion to a football receiver. God has lots of good stuff to get to us but we need to be prepared to receive it. “But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). So, how do we receive these things that God hath prepared for us?
1. First, we have to be on His team…we have to get saved. We cannot receive from God until we are one of His own and that’s as simple as believing in our hearts and saying with our mouths that Jesus is our Lord.
2. We have to work hard to get into the game. That involves getting in spiritual shape through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. That means we learn the plays; all the “plays” are found in the Bible and by reading them we learn how to execute on the field. And, as in sports, we have to practice. The Bible says, “Be ye doers of the Word and not hears only,” (James 1:22). What we learn we must put into practice by doing it.
3. We have to overcome the opponent. As always, we have an adversary who is trying to block our path and keep us from receiving. But, Luke 10:19 says that, “I have given you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing will, by any means, harm you”. This is something we have already received so we need to use it.
4. Get your hands up. A football receiver can’t catch the pass with his hands at his side, he has to reach up to receive. So it is with spiritual receiving. We need to be in the position to receive which the play book will dictate but when we’re in the right loction, we need to raise our hands to receive. Another benefit of raising our hands is that it is the position of praise which is pleasing to the coach, (Master, God).
5. Receive. And when you’ve done all these things, you just receive what God has made available to you, score for the team, and enjoy the rewards with your teammates.
Now keep in mind however, we don’t always catch the pass and even if we do, we don’t always score. Jesus said that in this world we would have trouble but don’t worry, He’s already won the game. (John 16:33). Follow these steps to begin receiving from God or to receive more of what He has for you. But we have to dedicate ourselves to God and the team; we can’t just come to practice or the game when we don’t have anything else to do. God has to be No. 1. Yea team! Let’s go!
I’d like to hear your thoughts on receiving from God. Please share what God has sent you. Be blessed!
Given January 1, 2011
I found this post that I wrote ten years ago and thought it would be appropriate to re-post for this year. Take heed as we enter into 2021.
Now that we are in the second week of 2011, many of us have had a chance to forget our New Year’s resolutions or are not doing very well with them. May I suggest some things that just came to me one morning as I was in my devotional time. There are many more things that can contribute to our success in the coming year but these five are the first that came to me.
1. Prioritize the things in your life. Most of us have way too many “things” in our lives that demand our time and energy and many of them are a waste. Seriously look at these “things” and prayerfully place them in order of their eternal importance. You might list them on paper.
2. Ask God to heal you of your “I problem”. Many of us think too highly of ourselves and much of our conversations and prayers include the word “I”. “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.” (Romans 12:3). It’s not about us but about God.
3. Get out of debt! We can’t be of much use to the Kingdom of God if we are obligated to the world’s financial system. The Bible says, “Owe no man anything but to love one another.” (Romans 13:8). Especially in these economic hard times, if we are indebted to the system, we are controlled by it. You might not be able to be debt free in a year but you can begin and you will see that when God sees your faithful intentions, He will help you.
4. Read your Bible, learn what it says, and do it. All the answers to life are contained in God’s Word. We have to read and study it with prayer and the revelation of the Holy Spirit. We cannot be successful without it.
5. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you as well.” (Matthew 6:33). This says it all. If we seek God and His holiness, putting all other things in a lower priority, He will be pleased and actually give us all those other things we need. We will also find out that needs and wants are different and should be prioritized accordingly. However, if God is first, He will give us many things to enjoy as well, (1 Timothy 6:17).
* And, I will add one more. Pay attention to your health. God has a plan for each of us based on the giftings He’s given us but we will be limited in what we can do if we’re in poor health. It’s hard but, as with anything God assigns us to do, He will help us. Get in shape and be strong!
As I mentioned earlier, there are numerous other things that will help us be successful in the year 2021. I’d like to hear from you readers; what things do you think we can do as Christians to insure success this year?
Given December26, 2010
Have you ever asked Jesus to do something for you? Has He ever spoken back to you like a father would to a kid? Well, He does me that way and it reminds me of
some interactions I’ve had with my grandkids. I’ll say something like, “Let’s go out and see if any strawberries are ripe.” And they may say, (mind you 5 or 6 years old), “Pawpaw, put my shoes on.” to which I reply, “Put your own shoes on, you can do it.” Then proceed to “help” them do it themselves. Like I said, Jesus talks to me like that sometimes.
What He wants to get across to me is that He’s given me the instruction, the authority, and the power to do many things myself but I keep asking Him to do it for me. Can you imagine a 30 year-old asking his dad to put his shoes on for him so he could go outside? Ridiculous! But that’s the way we do with God many times. Jesus said, “These things you shall do and even greater things than these..” (John 14:12). How? With faith in Him. I wrote about an example of this I heard from a sermon and you can read it HERE. Jesus also told his diciples, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19). He s made that same authority and power available tyo us too but, just like a father and his child, He won’t let us use it by ourselves until we are ready. That’s why He “helps” us; it’s part of our training.
So when Jesus tells me to, “do it yourself”, I say, “OK father, but will you help me though?” And He says, “Sure Son, I’ll help. But soon, you’ll be able to do it yourself.”
Does God talk to you this way? Is He encouraging you to do it yourself? Do you want to grow up so He can use you for Kingdom work? Comment please.