One day soon, people will be going about their business as usual; work, school, sports, home, shopping, gardening, whatever is on their schedule at the time. Then suddenly, no matter where anyone is, they will hear a loud shout from above and while they are looking up to the sky, they will hear a loud trumpet sound. And as they cast their gaze skyward, they will all see the appearance of a figure in the clouds. It will be Jesus.
Then a strange thing begins to happen. People, Christians, who had previously died, suddenly begin coming up out of the cemeteries and float up toward Jesus. As the last of those who had died in Christ rises to meet Jesus in the air, those Christians who were standing there watching this scene began to rise up as well! They all rise up to join this victorious gathering in the clouds. There are smiles on all their faces. (1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17).
Back on the ground among those who remained, there materializes a strange, cold numbness which sweeps over them. Those atheists, skeptics, know-it-alls, those who had been deceived by Satan begin to realize what had just happened and are saying, “Oh no, it was true!” And in their minds they will hear, “Yes, you had your chance and you rejected it.” They are left behind! They look up and see their Christian friends, family and others there with Jesus and an overwhelming fear captivates them as they realize it’s too late! And…what about their little children?
If you’re not sure where you will be on that day, don’t listen to Satan, don’t blow it. Say YES to Jesus today!