Given August 1, 2007
Give and it shall be given to you…Luke 6:38. This verse is usually thought to be referring to money and it’s true that there is a relationship between giving and receiving. Of course, our attitude makes all the difference. Most people have some money to give although way too many don’t give on a regular basis. But, everybody has something to give. Even the widow had a mite to put in the offering plate. But we’re not always talking about money, we’ve got other things to give. What do you have to give?
Now, some may say, “I don’t have anything worth anything to give.” Think about this; a boat and a lunch. Peter gave his boat, (Luke 5:2-3), a tool of his trade, to Jesus to preach from and it turned out very well for Peter. What do you have to give?
Then there’s the boy who gave his lunch, (John 6:9). He couldn’t have imagined what Jesus could do with his loaves and fishes, but he gave them anyway. Jesus took his offering and did miraculous things with it. That lad must have had great parents to have taught their son unselfishness and the thousands in the crowd benefited. What do you have to give?
We’re not required to give some massive gift to the Lord, just give what we have. Whether we think what we have is worth anything or not, just give it and the Lord will use it for some great purpose. And, you’ll find that you will benefit from the deal too.