Given November 2014
(This is written in simple language which might be good to share with your kids or grandkids.)
God created the earth, created Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden to live. He told them to be the overseers of the Garden and take care of it. The Garden, and the earth, was perfect; nothing bad was there. Then that old snake, the devil came in and tricked them into disobeying God. God had told them they could use anything in the Garden except the tree in the center. (It’s like a kid’s mom saying you can have any food or snacks in the kitchen but don’t touch that plate of candy on the table.) Well, Eve and Adam fell for the trick of the devil and ate from the tree. Evil and bad things then came into the Garden; it wasn’t perfect anymore. (Genesis 1-3)
Things got worse and worse until God had to do something. He brought a great flood over the earth to drown all the bad people. But one man, Noah, who found favor in the eyes of the Lord, and his family, eight people, were going to be spared. God gave him plans to build a big boat, the Ark, so Noah’s family and many animals were saved and the earth was good again. (Genesis 6-9)
Now, Noah had three boys one of which was good and the other two were bad. The bad boys and their wives started having kids and after many years, the earth was filled with evil again. So God had to try another plan to save the people on the earth. He said to Jesus, “Son, I want you to go down there as a baby, I’ll take care of all of the details, grow up and live a perfect life, like it was in the original Garden and right after the flood. Tell the people about Me, do lots of miracles for the people and show them how to get to Heaven. It’ll be hard on you but this is what we need to do.
Jesus agreed and God’s plan was initiated. Next time, we’ll see how that plan worked out.