We’ve all heard of a “black tie” affair; an event by invitation only where men are required to wear black ties. A very fancy occasion indeed. In Psalm 91, we read of the “secret place of the Most High” and in Proverbs 18:10 we read, “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.” Here’s the vision I got of this recently:
This Secret Place has a front door where those who desire the protection of the Most High can go in. But the devil and his thugs have found the path to that door and are stationed there trying to dissuade, deceive, and deter those invited from entering. And some do turn away and proceed on the wrong path which leads to destruction. However, there is a secret door into this Secret Place and only God’s people know about it. They avoid the front entrance and go around to the private door and are welcomed in to, “abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. And this is not a “black tie” affair; it is a “white robe” occasion. Are you dressed properly?