Given April 10, 2017
Today, (April 16, 2017), we celebrate Easter. For many people, Easter is a springtime, bunny rabbit, egg hunt holiday but to Christians, it is much more. Today, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death and the tomb. He went through so much on Friday with the trials, humiliation, beatings, abandonment, pain, suffering and finally, death. He was placed in the tomb. We can imagine that it was dark, cold, and final. Imagine that you can hear the victory celebration in Hell because Jesus was dead. He was in the tomb. The tomb is a dark, scary place and it signifies the end. Jesus was there of His own choice….but He didn’t stay there. God had a plan. Jesus was to arise from death and walk out of the tomb never to return. He did this to give us the option of life.
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23). We were all in our own tombs of spiritual death. But because of what Jesus sacrificed and accomplished, we can, and many have, respond to the command of Jesus just as Lazarus did, “Lazarus, come forth!” (John 11:43). Lazarus came out of his tomb. And, many who were dead on the day Jesus arose, “..came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.” (Matthew 27:53)
Some of you may be in your tomb of sin and death today. Because Jesus came out of His tomb, you can come out of yours. Hear Jesus calling to you, “Come out!” Can you imagine someone saying, “No, I like it in here with these demons. I think I’ll stay.” And then, there are also those today who have come out of their tomb at some point but have chosen to go back inside! They hear the call of the demons and respond to them by reentering their tomb! Jesus is calling.
Today, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from His tomb. Make it the day you can celebrate His tomb exit AND yours too. Thank you Jesus for what you did for me!