Years ago, our forefathers had a dream of a nation free from the tyranny of Great Britian. They acted on that dream and formed, “a more perfect Union” by creating the Constitution of the United States. It was difficult but they stood fast and many gave their lives fighting for that dream of freedom. We are still fighting for it today. God also had a dream of a people free from the tyranny of Satan. He acted on that plan and sent Jesus to lead us in the paths of righteousness. It was difficult but Jesus was faithful and gave His life for God’s plan of Spiritual freedom. We still have that opportunity today but Jesus fought and died in our place. By the sacrifices of our forefathers, military, and others we enjoy freedom in our United States. By the sacrifice of Jesus we can have true freedom. Today we celebrate our independence in this country but let’s not forget
the real independence we have through Jesus. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John8:36). God bless America!
How Many Faces Do You Have?
Who is the real you? Is the “you” people see really you? Who are you really? When we take a serious look at who we really are, we may be troubled by what we see. Or…maybe we already know who we are and do a good job of hiding it. You know at the judgment, “.. they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.” (1 Peter 4:5). Standing there before God, we won’t be able to cover up who we really are. We will be exposed and even have to give an account for every idle word we have spoken, (Matthew 12:36). But then God said, “I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.” (Hebrews 10:17). Is repentance important? You bet!
So what about your faces? Think about it, do you have a “face” you wear at church that is different than the “face” you wear at work or school? What about your face at the ball game when the ref makes a bad call? What face do you wear at the store or around your family? Is it different? And finally, what face do you wear when no one is around? You may think you’re by yourself but, you know, God is always there. How many faces do you have?
The point is that we should have only one face; the face that is the real us. The face that Jesus wants us to wear. The face He planned for us to have before we were born. The face that will be pleasing to Him. That’s the face we should wear no matter where we are or who we’re with even when we’re by ourselves.
You may be thinking, “I realize now my closet is full of masks.” “What do I do?” It must involve the renewing of our mind, (Romans 12:2). Get into the Bible, memorize scripture, listen to Bible-based preaching, and pray, pray, pray. Your thoughts will begin to be changed, your Spirit will become stronger than your flesh, and these changes will filter down to your heart. And what’s in your heart will come out of your mouth, (Luke 6:45). Your words will change and you will react biblically to situations. The whole while the Holy Spirit will continue to train you, “from glory to glory”, (2 Corinthians 3:18), until you find that the face you wear at the ball game, around your family, or by yourself is the same face you wear at church.
Let’s all make it a point to begin getting rid of the faces that came with our evil flesh and more and more wear the face of the One in whose image we were created. Who’s with me?
Photo from David Shepherd – Life At The Center.
Forsythia Is Evil?
Given May 28, 2011
This post may seem rather harsh on a beautiful plant that God created but, as often He does, God showed me a coorlation in His creation and our lives. Hear me out.
At the bidding of my lovely wife and having a beautiful day forcast, I endeavored on this Saturday to remove an overgrown forsythia bush that had engulfed the bottom of my yard. It was probably 20 feet across and I knew the base of it was in there somewhere. So with my chainsaw and work gloves ready, I devised a plan to attack this monster. I would enter the side of the bush and make my way to the center, cut the branches at the base and drag the whole mess away freeing the bottom of my yard to grow grass again. Sounded like a good plan.
However, as I entered the confines of the plant, I discovered that the small, narrow branches were like tentacles that inter-twined around and through each other, some stretching some 10 feet from the center of the bush to the outside. I could not just push the branches apart and go to the base. I would have to pull each branch out, separating them to make my path. This was too hard so I cranked up the saw and went to cutting. I began to make progress cutting my path but was getting opposition. The inter-twined branches, though cut, would not just fall to the ground but stuck out, with sharp points, attacking me as I progressed. I could not move them out of the way because of their togetherness and whereever they touched the ground, thay had rooted themselves so they were resisting me from both ends!
As I was getting more and more frustrated with the whole battle, the Lord spoke to me and gave me a revelation and thus the topic of this post. As I stood there in the middle of this giant forsythia bush, bleeding from the sharp pointed cut branch ends, and realizing how hard this job had become, God showed me this bush was like sin in our lives. At one point, this monstrous bush was one little branch that had become rooted in my yard. Maybe it had been planted by a wind-blown seed or maybe it was purposly planted. But if it was an unwanted plant, it could have been uprooted or controlled by pruning years ago. However, being allowed to grow on its own without attention, this beautiful bush has become a monster and had taken over the bottom of my yard. Just like sin will do in our lives. And as I tried to control it now, years later, it was a great battle. Like sin, allowed to grow uncontrolled, it had become almost too big to handle. It had inter-twined itself adding strength to itself and continued its march outward. Oh, it is very pretty in the spring when those small yellow flowers are in full bloom but the flowers fade and the bush remains.
However, after much work, I emerged bleeding and exhausted victorious over the sin-bush. God’s message to me and you is this: don’t allow sin into your life to take root. Even though it looks pretty and is no problem when it is small, left unattended, it will grow into a monster that is difficult to eradicate. And this is also true with things in our lives that are not sin but things that take prescedence over God. Nip them in the bud! “..but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” (James 1:14-15).
Is forsythia evil? Of course not but sin is and if we don’t pay attention to our desires, they can become uncontrollable and very difficult to get rid of. The rest of the story is this, even though I was victgorious over the growing bush, I now have a great pile of four inter-twined pieces of forsythia to dispose of; the consequences of my inattention to the problem. I’ve got more work to do…in the yard and in my life. Is there a forsythia bush in your life that needs work? Begin dealing with it today! Be blessed!
Fill ‘Er Up?
Given May 21, 2011
Some of you are old enough to remember when the place where you bought gasoline was called a service station. You got service there. They would pump your gas, clean your windshield, and check your oil if you wanted them to. The friendly attendant would come out when you pulled up to the pumps and ask, “Fill’er up sir?” And you’d say, “Sure” or “No, just $5.00 worth please.” Oh the days.
The Bible says, “ filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18), so we as Christ followers are supposed to be filled with the Spirit. And if something is filled, there’s no room for anything else, right? So think of your yesterday. What things did you fill yourself with? Did you watch TV, listen to music, read something, talk to someone, go to a sporting event, browse the Internet, participate in a hobby, go to the movies, read the Bible, pray, listen to Christian music or preaching, think about something? There are many things we can fill ourselves with; some good, some bad, and others neutral. The apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 2:11, “Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.” We are all in a battle with our own desires which want to fill us up and leave no room for the Holy Spirit. We need to be conscience of what we allow into our beings and be sure that we don’t purposely let anything bad in. And things don’t have to be bad to take the place of the Spirit.
We have an enemy who disguises himself as an angel of light, (2 Corinthians 11:14), and is looking for someone he can trick. He’s like that service station attendant who comes out in a white uniform, all friendly and offers to help you by saying, “Fill ‘er up?” But what he has to fill you up with is deadly! Don’t be fooled! When you turn on the TV, sit down at the computer, open a magazine, talk to someone, or sit in the bleachers at a ballgame, he’s right there saying, “Fill ‘er up?” “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8). Let’s pay more attention to what we allow to fill us. I’d appreciate your comments. Be blessed!
Re-Revelation, Clean My Cup, Lord
As I do from time to time, today I am posting a Revelation I did in May of 2006. I hope it touches us once again.
Given June 15, 2001
I read a book during a low time in my life called which painted a picture with words of the “highway” in Isaiah 35. I could clearly “see” every step of the way up to the highway and once on the highway, I saw the people there and the dangers which were hidden in the ditches.
As we all do sometimes, travelers would get off the road, realize their mistake, and come back up to the road to meet Jesus. Yes, He’s traveling the road with us. When we come, repentant, back to Jesus, we’re holding our “vessel”, our cup, if you will, which has been contaminated and dirtied by sin. And it’s empty! We offer the stained vessel up to the Lord and say, “Lord, I’m sorry. Here’s my cup. Please cleanse it and fill it back up. And, He does.
Jesus said, “Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean”. Matthew 23:26. I do this often when I realize I’ve gotten off the road and my cup is empty and dirty. You can feel when you need a refilling, can’t you? As I hold my cup up to Jesus, He washes it out and fills it to the brim. I realize I’ve been forgiven and have the infilling to go on with Him and do His work. I wanna stay on the road! Has this re-revelation helped you?
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