Given September 20, 2014
Be a Doer
Be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. (James 1:22)
There is a word here for someone today:
You won’t get the job unless you apply.
You won’t find out if you’re any good until you try out for the team.
You won’t know if your idea is worthy until you tell the boss.
You can’t be published unless you submit a manuscript.
You won’t see a harvest unless you plant the seed.
You won’t get where you want to go until you take the first step.
You won’t get to know that person until you introduce yourself.
You won’t get what you need unless you ask for it.
You can’t pass the test unless you study.
You won’t defeat your fear until you face it.
You can’t get past your mistakes until you confess them.
You can’t mend a relationship without forgiveness.
You can’t move forward while you’re looking back.
You can’t find something unless you look for it.
You can’t become a great player without enduring the pain of practice.
You won’t know what’s behind the door until you open it.
You can’t catch the fish until you cast the bait.
You can’t learn to play the instrument until you pick it up.
You can’t get in shape until you get off the couch.
You won’t know what God has in store for you until you volunteer to serve Him.
You can’t praise God while focusing on your problems.
You can’t go to Heaven without saying YES to Jesus.
You can’t really have anything until you FIRST seek God and His righteousness. (Matthew 6:33)
Please leave a comment if any of these statements encouraged you. Be blessed!